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IELTS-International English Language Testing System
TEIC-Test of English for International Communication
TOEFL – Test Of English as a Foreign Language
TOEIC – Test Of English for International Communication
TORFL – Test of Russian as Foreign Language
EFS – English for Foreign Students
EYL – English for Young Learners
TEPL – Test of English Proficiency Level
TEIC – Test of English for International Communication
TEA – Test of English for Aviation
EFFS – English for Foreign Students
ENFS – English for Foreign Students
TEEP – Test in English for Educational Purposes
TEAM – Test of English at Matriculation
TEDE – Test of English for Distance Education
TOEF – Test of English as Foreign
TOEIC – Test of English for International Communication
TOEIC – Test of English for International Conversation
TOESP – Test of English for Special Purposes
TEAP– Test of English for Academic Purposes
TEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language tefl

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